
6.0分 1956/中国大陆/剧情,战争
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乐影为您提供1956年由高保成,徐林格,张亮,刘玉茹,刘磊,李树楷,田烈,张凤翔,白英宽,张健佑,张巨光,王枫主演,沙蒙,林杉导演的《上甘岭》/原名《上甘嶺》/又名《Battle on Shangganling Mountain / The Battle of Triangle Hill / Battle of Shangganling / 上甘岭战役》剧情,战争电影,电影上甘岭在线观看,电影上甘岭视频播放,电影《上甘岭》播放,上甘岭电影在线直播观看,看看电影上甘岭,请播放电影上甘岭,上甘岭电影全集播放,上甘岭电影在线观看,观看上甘岭电影图片,上甘岭电影在线播放,希望您能喜欢!

  在上甘岭守卫的是中国人民志愿军某部八连。面对比我方多得多的敌军,志愿军没有退缩,而是选择了顽强抵抗, 以此拖延美军时间,粉碎敌人阴谋。连队在连长张忠发(高保成 饰)的带领下,与美军浴血奋战。虽然坑道里的环境恶劣,而且面临着断水断粮的危险,但是志愿军硬是坚守了24天,为中朝联军大反攻奠定了坚实的基础。

又名:Battle on Shangganling Mountain / The Battle of Triangle Hill / Battle of Shangganling / 上甘岭战役

Plot Summary:The story happens in the Korean War (1951-1953)In the autumn of 1952, the American troops launched a large-scale attack by the border between South Korea and North Korea while the Sino-American negotiation at Banmen Dian adjourned. The American representatives meant to steer clear of the futile negotiation by dispatching their troops to occupy Shanggangling Mount and Wesheng Shan Mountain. In that case, Zhang Zhong Fa, a company commander of Chinese Voluntary Army, led his troops to guard Shanggangling Mount. In an extreme difficult situation, they held on to guarding the position in 24 days and succeeded in dragging the force of the enemy so that the Chinese main forces were in an advantage situation to defeat the enemy. The American were forced to resume the negotiation and sign their names on the armistice paper.


  • 8.6分 2021 8集全

    DOTA:龙之血 第一季




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