
0.0分 2019/中国大陆/剧情,喜剧,家庭,儿童
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乐影为您提供2019年由杜旭光,刘盼,张新锋,马银秀,许小周,陈骊山主演,张忠华导演的《树上有个好地方》/又名《The Home in the Tree》剧情,喜剧,家庭,儿童电影,树上有个好地方电影免费播放,电影《树上有个好地方》,树上有个好地方电影简介,树上有个好地方免费观看完整,树上有个好地方电影在线观看,树上有个好地方电影在线,树上有个好地方在线观看,树上有个好地方电影完整版,树上有个好地方2电影免费观看,树上有个好地方在线观看完整版视频,希望您能喜欢!


又名:The Home in the Tree

Plot Summary:This is a childhood story which took place in a village of the central Shaanxi plain in the late 1990s. In the context that students were judged by their grades, Ba-Wang Chaoguo, a student at a primary school, was a bad student in the eyes of his teachers and parents. Not recognized by his parents and teachers, Ba-Wang Chaoguo saw a big tree in the field as his own \"Home\". And he hid all of his favorite things in the tree. The nature of child caused many conflicts between Ba-Wang Chaoguo and adults' world until one day Miss Fen came to work as a teacher. Miss Fen appointed him as the librarian of the class. Also he became a good friend of the female teacher and his \"Home\" also became the female teacher's \"Home\". However, the good times didn't last long. The preferential treatment he received was changed after the arrival of Miss Fen's boyfriend......





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