
6.0分 2016/英国 /剧情
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乐影为您提供2016年由戴夫·帕特尔,鲁妮·玛拉,大卫·文翰,妮可·基德曼,桑尼·帕沃,纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭,塔妮莎·查特吉,迪普提·纳瓦尔,马尼克·古纳拉塔尼,本杰明·里格比,萨罗·布赖尔利主演,加斯·戴维斯导演的《雄狮》/原名《Lion》/又名《漫漫回家路(港) / A Long Way Home》剧情电影,电影雄狮观看播放时间,电影雄狮观看播放时长,电影雄狮观看播放视频,雄狮电影在线观看,雄狮电影免费,雄狮免费观看完整版,播放雄狮大全,雄狮电影网,《雄狮》电影,雄狮电影中文国语版,希望您能喜欢!

萨罗(戴夫·帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)和妹妹、哥哥以及母亲过着相依为命的生活,虽然贫穷艰辛,但一家人在一起相互扶持,日子过得依然温暖而又充满了欢乐。一次偶然中,萨罗同哥哥在火车站走散了,误打误撞之中,萨罗登上了一列开往加尔各答的火车,在那里,萨罗成为了露宿街头的流浪儿,并最终被送进了收容所。
  幸运的萨罗被来自澳大利亚的约翰(大卫·文翰 David Wenham 饰)和苏(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)夫妇两收养了,在两人爱的教养下,萨罗成长为了前途无量的有为青年。在学校里,萨罗邂逅了名为露西(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)的女生,两人很快走到了一起。某次派对中,来自家乡的食物勾起了萨罗对过去的回忆,他萌生出了回到家乡寻找家人的念头。

又名:漫漫回家路(港) / A Long Way Home

Plot Summary:In 1986, Saroo was a five-year-old child in India of a poor but happy rural family. On a trip with his brother, Saroo soon finds himself alone and trapped in a moving decommissioned passenger train that takes him to Calcutta, 1500 miles away from home. Now totally lost in an alien urban environment and too young to identify either himself or his home to the authorities, Saroo struggles to survive as a street child until he is sent to an orphanage. Soon, Saroo is selected to be adopted by the Brierley family in Tasmania, where he grows up in a loving, prosperous home. However, for all his material good fortune, Saroo finds himself plagued by his memories of his lost family in his adulthood and tries to search for them even as his guilt drives him to hide this quest from his adoptive parents and his girlfriend. Only when he has an epiphany does he realize not only the answers he needs, but also the steadfast love that he has always had with all his loved ones in both worlds.


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