
6.0分 2004/中国香港/剧情,喜剧,爱情
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乐影为您提供2004年由刘德华,郑秀文,吴嘉龙,林家栋,胡燕妮,秦煌,许绍雄,连晋主演,杜琪峰导演的《龙凤斗》/原名《龍鳳鬥》/又名《Yesterday Once More / In the Nick of Love》剧情,喜剧,爱情电影在线观看完整版,《龙凤斗》百度云网盘资源以及《龙凤斗》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《龙凤斗》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

盗生(刘德华 饰)与盗太(郑秀文 饰)离婚后,盗太受到了富家子Steve(吴嘉龙 饰)的强烈追求,以珠宝作为求婚礼物送给热爱珠宝的盗太,可是steve的母亲Mrs. Allen(胡燕妮 饰)订下苛刻要求才准盗太过门。
  眼看珠宝就要到手了,可是却遭到了前夫盗生的阻挠——以同样的手法 偷去了珍贵的珠宝。令盗太顿足。Mrs. Allen认定昂贵宝物是盗太偷走了,故此雇用私家侦探调查盗太,才发现了盗太的身份。盗生盗太再次相处的过程中,常常一起回味了过往的日子,斗气之余发现仍爱着彼此。其实一切的游戏,都是盗生精心布局的……


主演:刘德华 郑秀文 吴嘉龙 林家栋 胡燕妮 秦煌 许绍雄 连晋 

又名:Yesterday Once More / In the Nick of Love

Plot Summary:Mr. and Mrs. Do are wealthy, creative jewel thieves who divorce for no apparent reason after a successful diamond heist. A year later, she's engaged to the son of a rich woman who begrudgingly lets her son give his fiancée a family heirloom after she signs a pre-nup. The necklace is promptly stolen: Mrs. Do suspects her ex-husband and the wealthy mom suspects that the two ex's are still in federation and cahoots. In fact they do still love each other and spend a lot of energy trying to annoy or trick the other. Who does have the necklace, where is it, and why did the thieves separate in the first place? As time's bending sickle's compass comes, will the lovers sort things out?





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