
6.0分 2001/中国香港/喜剧,爱情
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乐影为您提供2001年由梁朝伟,舒淇,林家栋,麦家琪,黄一飞,张慧仪,邱万城,叶景文,曹众,金刚,黄琛如,潘冰嫦,高宝云,彭立威,董伟强主演,王晶导演的《有情饮水饱》/又名《Love Me, Love My Money》喜剧,爱情电影,有情饮水饱完整电影在线观看,有情饮水饱完整版电影,有情饮水饱国语高清在线,有情饮水饱粤语电影百度,有情饮水饱完整版免费观看,有情饮水饱出自哪个电影,有情饮水饱完整版国语,有情饮水饱mp4,有情饮水饱720p,有情饮水饱电影粤语资源,希望您能喜欢!

马须仁(梁朝伟 饰)专门为上市公司提供重组合并方案,是一个年轻有为的钻石王老五;但他的为人却十分刻薄吝啬,女友为了报复将他的信用卡及银行支票全部挂失,恰巧又遇上公众假期,银行都停业了,他突然之间变成了身无分文的“穷人”。
  这时,马须仁邂逅亚彩(舒淇 饰),更在亚彩面前大出洋相,笑话百出。亚彩以为他假装扮成有钱人,于是劝马须仁应当脚踏实地做人,两日在交往中渐渐坠入爱河。亚彩由于父亲炮仗叔(黄一飞 饰)逼她嫁给乡长之子,无奈下向父亲辩称已跟一个富家子弟相恋,并安排马须仁与父亲见面。本来就是有钱人的马须仁表现得游刃有余,但他的真正身份终给亚彩揭破,亚彩认为他是故意玩弄他,一怒之下出走了……

又名:Love Me, Love My Money

Plot Summary:Richard Ma (Tony Leung) is a tight-fisted, mean and unpleasant character. He's also a wealthy businessman who has become increasingly bitter and mistrustful due to what he believes are the gold digging women in his life. Following a series of events one weekend, Richard's financial assets are temporarily frozen, his house is looted by his ex-girlfriend and he has no cash leaving him helpless and broke. It's during this faithful weekend that he meets Ah Choi (Shu Qi), a struggling financial analyst who is trying to ward off the attentions of an unwanted suitor. By offering his help to Ah Choi in return for financial gain, a most surprising relationship develops between this unlikely pair!





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