
6.0分 2001/美国 /喜剧,爱情,家庭
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乐影为您提供2001年由朱莉·安德鲁斯,安妮·海瑟薇,埃克托尔·埃利松多,希瑟·玛塔拉佐,曼迪·摩尔,卡罗琳·古多尔,罗伯特·舒瓦兹曼,伊瑞克·冯·迪滕,帕特里克·约翰·弗吕格,肖恩·奥布赖恩,吴珊卓,凯瑟琳·马歇尔,明迪·布尔瓦诺,金姆利·史密斯,伊丽莎白·古登拉特,Tamara Levinson,莱诺尔·托马斯·道格拉斯,Cassie Rowell,托德·劳,乔尔·麦克拉里,克莱尔·塞拉,邦妮·阿伦斯,朱莉·帕丽斯,简·莫里斯,罗伯特·格劳蒂尼,Gwenda Perez,芭芭拉·马歇尔,山姆·丹诺夫,特雷西赖纳,Stanley Frazen,Willie Brown,帕特里克·里奇伍德,卡尔·马金恩,凯西·贾维尔,伊桑·桑德勒,Bud Markowitz,Mark Thompson,Brian Phelps,桑德拉·泰勒,汤姆·海因斯,尼科洛·汤姆,Lori Sigrist主演,盖瑞·马歇尔导演的《公主日记》/原名《The Princess Diaries》/又名《走佬俏公主(港) / 麻雀变公主(台)》喜剧,爱情,家庭电影在线观看完整版,《公主日记》百度云网盘资源以及《公主日记》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《公主日记》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

15岁的高中生米亚(安妮•海瑟薇 饰)与母亲生活在美国,但她十分不自信,也常常遭到同学的嘲笑。就在她16岁生日那天,她与祖母(茱莉•安德鲁 饰)见面后发现这个优雅的女士是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王,米亚正是这个国度的公主。刚开始米亚十分不愿,在母亲的调解下米亚的态度才有所缓 和。


主演:朱莉·安德鲁斯 安妮·海瑟薇 埃克托尔·埃利松多 希瑟·玛塔拉佐 曼迪·摩尔 卡罗琳·古多尔 罗伯特·舒瓦兹曼 伊瑞克·冯·迪滕 帕特里克·约翰·弗吕格 肖恩·奥布赖恩 吴珊卓 凯瑟琳·马歇尔 明迪·布尔瓦诺 金姆利·史密斯 伊丽莎白·古登拉特 Tamara Levinson 莱诺尔·托马斯·道格拉斯 Cassie Rowell 托德·劳 乔尔·麦克拉里 克莱尔·塞拉 邦妮·阿伦斯 朱莉·帕丽斯 简·莫里斯 罗伯特·格劳蒂尼 Gwenda Perez 芭芭拉·马歇尔 山姆·丹诺夫 特雷西赖纳 Stanley Frazen Willie Brown 帕特里克·里奇伍德 卡尔·马金恩 凯西·贾维尔 伊桑·桑德勒 Bud Markowitz Mark Thompson Brian Phelps 桑德拉·泰勒 汤姆·海因斯 尼科洛·汤姆 Lori Sigrist 

又名:走佬俏公主(港) / 麻雀变公主(台)

Plot Summary:Mia Thermopolis is the average teenager - sweet, a little geeky and pretty much invisible to everyone with the exception of her mother, best friend Lilly and Lilly's older brother Michael. Making it through high school without throwing up is a challenge in itself for Mia, so it doesn't come as welcome news when her estranged grandmother shows up out of the blue and calmly informs her that she is in fact the heir to the throne of a European country called Genovia. Suddenly Mia's life is thrown into complete overload. She's being taught about scarves, waves and pears in order to become a perfect princess, she gets a makeover and a tough looking yet sweet bodyguard/limo driver called Joe. Things get out of hand when the media gets a hold of the story and suddenly Mia is thrust into the spotlight in both the newspapers and in school. On top of all that Mia has a choice to make. She must decide by Genovia's Independence Day Ball whether she longs to relinquish her claim on the throne or to become the princess and heir to the throne her father and grandmother want her to be.





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