
6.0分 2008/英国 /剧情,喜剧,犯罪
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乐影为您提供2008年由科林·法瑞尔,布莱丹·格里森,克蕾曼丝·波西,拉尔夫·费因斯,吕迪·布洛姆,伊丽莎白·贝林顿,奥利弗·邦泽,马克·多诺万,安·艾斯利,让-马克·法沃兰,艾力克·高敦,泽利科·伊万内克,Sachi Kimura,安娜·梅德利,路易斯·纳米主演,马丁·麦克唐纳导演的《杀手没有假期》/原名《In Bruges》/又名《在布鲁日 / 布鲁日的圣诞节》剧情,喜剧,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《杀手没有假期》百度云网盘资源以及《杀手没有假期》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《杀手没有假期》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

一对儿杀手,肯与雷(Colin Farrell 饰),在圣诞期间来到比利时古城布鲁日,他们将在这里接到联系人哈里(Ralph Fiennes 饰)指令的新任务。雷在不久前的一次暗杀中误杀了一名男童,怀着深深愧疚的雷情绪不稳,古城中的等待对他来说是一场难耐的煎熬。肯作为带领雷入行的前辈,试图帮助雷摆脱困境,但他的努力毫无收效。百无聊赖的雷在街上结识了女演员克洛伊,这个神秘女孩引发了雷一系列的冒险经历,与此同时,肯再一次被哈里催促,原来此次任务的真相是暴怒的哈里要雷为他的误杀行为付出代价,肯面对被自己一手引入杀手行当的年轻人,难以做出抉择,两名杀手,在夜色中的古城各怀心事……


主演:科林·法瑞尔 布莱丹·格里森 克蕾曼丝·波西 拉尔夫·费因斯 吕迪·布洛姆 伊丽莎白·贝林顿 奥利弗·邦泽 马克·多诺万 安·艾斯利 让-马克·法沃兰 艾力克·高敦 泽利科·伊万内克 Sachi Kimura 安娜·梅德利 路易斯·纳米 

又名:在布鲁日 / 布鲁日的圣诞节

Plot Summary:London based hit men Ray and Ken are told by their boss Harry Waters to lie low in Bruges, Belgium for up to two weeks following their latest hit, which resulted in the death of an innocent bystander. Harry will be in touch with further instructions. While they wait for Harry's call, Ken, following Harry's advice, takes in the sights of the medieval city with great appreciation. But the charms of Bruges are lost on the simpler Ray, who is already despondent over the innocent death, especially as it was his first job. Things change for Ray when he meets Chloe, part of a film crew shooting a movie starring an American dwarf named Jimmy. When Harry's instructions arrive, Ken, for whom the job is directed, isn't sure if he can carry out the new job, especially as he has gained a new appreciation of life from his stay in the fairytale Bruges. While Ken waits for the inevitable arrival into Bruges of an angry Harry, who feels he must clean up matters on his own, Ray is dealing with his own problems, not only with Harry, but with a Canadian couple and a half-blind thief named Eirik. Ray hopes he can count on both Chloe and Ken to help him carve out a new life for himself. In the end, Harry, involved in an incident with Jimmy, may have to keep to his own principles.


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